
The Plan

The plan is to leave Christmas day, 25th of December, in the afternoon, packed with all camping equipment and walking boots so we can start walking on boxing day very early in the morning.

So far joining are:

Stijn & Wilma, Helen & Albert, Susann, Nathalie, Helge & Sybille.
Part of the accomodation crew are Fimo and Sal together with Stijn.

The plan is to take it easy, which means that we try to get the camp set up for us so we don't have to carry all the stuff, only water and food for the one day.
Plans are in the making, so keep an eye on the blog!


Anonymous said...

Ha die Wilma,

The blog looks great and so does the walk. Am looking forward to it and this is a great way to prepare and have some 'before-fun' (Dutch saying).


Wilma said...

Haha, that sounds weird, 'before-fun' but how to translate?