Helge and Sybille suggested a practice walk of 20km for coming weekend in John Forrest NP which is a very good idea. But there is no beach, it's an hours drive, you need a park pass to get in and it might be too hot in the bush, so I thought maybe it's an idea to meet in Bold Park and walk from there to City Beach, along the coast to Cottesloe and from there to the river, along the river to Claremont and via Karakattha back up to Bold Park. This makes a nice roundtrip of about 22-23 km. See map above.
What about if we meet Sunday morning (20 Dec) at 8am in Bold Park fully packed as we would do for the Cape to Cape walk?
At an average of 5km/hour with a few short breaks for a snack we should be finished around 1pm and can have a picnic lunch at Bold Park and go home after that for a nap in the hammock ;)
Let me know what you think about it or prefer to go to John Forrest NP, start earlier or later, etc.
Link to map of Bold Park (we follow Zamia trail)
I've added an alternative of 18km along the beach and river:

1 comment:
Good choice, I like the path.
Count us in.
Helge & Sybille
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