The total of maps 1-4 is 34 km and that includes Meelup Trail. Without Meelup Trail it's 20.5km and should be enough for the first day.

Plans are still in the making, one of the plans is that we are going to set up a base camp, probably in Boranup forest or maybe at Conto's as people might want to have a shower after a long day of walking. Boranup bush camp has only a toilet.
It depends on how many people are joining us as we need to have a few people providing transport to the start and finish of every track. Stijn is going to stay at the camp and fill his days with surfing and transporting us. Fymo might join him for a few days as well as Sal is on the list of being in and around the base camp as well.

Or we can move camp every day which is not sure yet as we don't know if every camp is reachable by car and migth involve a lot of logistics.

Another idea is to take all the stuff in a backpack and camp along the track in the provided camp spots. This requiers a sweaty backpack including dried and ligthweight food and carrying a lot of water.
We migth do a combination of all, but so far a base camp is my favorite. I like to hear your ideas?
PS, the two guys on the top left photo are Ben and Jake who I know from the outdoor club and they have done the trip in 2008 (check link in the side) but also have some nice pictures here.
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